
Services offered at Narnia Stables

Luther Brauch, Farm Consulting

Luther Brauch, Farm Consulting


If the facilities and technologies you see reflected in the development of Narnia Stables seem to be the direction you want to take your farm, Luther can provide information and advise on how to achieve your goals. The building design and construction of all the new facilities on the property were done either by, or under the direction of Luther.

Services include:

New facility consultation, including building design and review, site review, best practice recommendations, zoning regulation and building code advisement, pasture land management, crop land management, and resource recommendations.

Existing facility consultation, including expansion advisement, labor optimization, best practice recommendations, pasture land management, crop land management, and resource recommendations.

Luther studied agriculture at UCONN before going on to work in veterinary medicine, then founding a small construction company. An opportunity to work as a project manager for a company that specialized in process optimization and technology was then followed by a return to construction and excavation. Luther is a member of the Ashford Agricultural Commission and a former member of the Ashford Planning and Zoning Commission.

Please contact Luther directly via email for additional information and pricing.

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