Events Calendar

Evenings in Narnia Discussion Series: Turning Setbacks into Opportunities for Growth and Learning
7:00 PM19:00

Evenings in Narnia Discussion Series: Turning Setbacks into Opportunities for Growth and Learning

Join us for an intimate evening discussion in the cozy, comfort of our Narnia lounge. These have become really popular and are a great way to get inspired during the winter months while visiting with other like-minded horse folks. In the second of our discussion evenings we talk about how setbacks, physical or mental of either horse or human are often part of our journey with equines and how these events can be opportunities for our own growth and learning. Fresh baked desserts, fruit, chocolate, wine, coffee, tea and a non-alcoholic spirits option will be offered. Meg will lead the discussion but there will be ample opportunity for participation. This event will be capped at 15 people and is subject to being rescheduled due to extreme weather conditions. Cost is $50/person. Click HERE to register.

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Winter Lecture Series: The Nuance of Correct Bend
9:30 AM09:30

Winter Lecture Series: The Nuance of Correct Bend

In this lecture and demo, Meg will discuss the details of correct bending. While we often consider the circle to be a basic exercise, riding one correctly is actually quite difficult. In the 2nd of Meg’s Winter Series we’ll look at some basic equine and human anatomy, understanding when the horse is bending correctly and why this is so important to the health of our horses if they are going to be carrying a rider. We’ll also discuss how the rider’s pelvis can guide a horse to correct bending or prevent it. The demo will primarily be riding based but a little groundwork may be shown as well. The goal of the demo is to help the audience train their eye to when bending is correct and the aids involved for developing good lateral bend. Coffee, tea and fresh baked breakfast snacks will be available in the lounge at 9:00AM. Lecture will begin promptly at 9:30 with demo to follow. Lecture will be in the comfort of our heated lounge and tack area, but demo will be in the indoor arena so dress appropriately for temperatures. This event is subject to be rescheduled with extreme weather conditions. Cost is $50 and will be capped at 25 auditors. Click HERE to register.

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Evenings in Narnia Discussion Series: How To Provide Enrichment for Our Horses
7:00 PM19:00

Evenings in Narnia Discussion Series: How To Provide Enrichment for Our Horses

Join us for an intimate evening discussion in the cozy, comfort of our Narnia lounge. These have become really popular and are a great way to get inspired during the winter months while visiting with other like-minded horse folks. In the first of our discussion evenings we talk about ways to enrich the lives of our horses. This may involve enrichment in the paddock or turnout, during exercise, or during rehabilitation. Fresh baked desserts, fruit, chocolate, wine, coffee, tea and a non-alcoholic spirits option will be offered. Meg will lead the discussion but there will be ample opportunity for participation. This event will be capped at 15 people and is subject to being rescheduled due to extreme weather conditions. Cost is $50/person. Click HERE to register.

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Winter Lecture Series: How to Begin with Connection Based Liberty
9:30 AM09:30

Winter Lecture Series: How to Begin with Connection Based Liberty

In this lecture and demo, Meg will discuss the use of liberty work to build confidence and develop relationship with your horse. She will discuss the benefits of this type of liberty, how to begin, and some challenges that you may encounter. Using liberty to make the environment more relaxing, draw and drive principles, the use of +R and food rewards in training, and how this work blends with the academic groundwork. In the demo portion, Meg will go through some basic exercises and show how she interacts with her horses as liberty with this type of approach. Coffee, tea and fresh baked breakfast snacks will be available in the lounge at 9:00AM. Lecture will begin promptly at 9:30 with demo to follow. Lecture will be in the comfort of our heated lounge and tack area, but demo will be in the indoor arena so dress appropriately for temperatures. This event is subject to be rescheduled with extreme weather conditions. Cost is $50 and will be capped at 25 auditors. Click HERE to register.

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Jillian Kreinbring: Course 3 Relaxation
to Aug 21

Jillian Kreinbring: Course 3 Relaxation

Narnia Stables is very excited to be hosting Jillian for her final course in her 3 course series. We were supposed to host this in the Spring of 2020, but it was canceled due to COVID. We are finally able to get her back to finish up her series with us.

Meg’s clients will have first choice for the rider spots. Cost is $400/three days. All riders must have taken course 1. It is recommended but not required to have taken course 2.

We will cap non rider spots at 15 people. Course 1 is highly recommended but not required. Course 1 is also available online now. Cost for non rider is $275/three days

Please CLICK HERE to go to Jillians website for details on the course syllabus.

Please visit EVENT REGISTRATION for details on how to secure your spot.

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Jillian Kreinbring: Course 3: Relaxation
to Apr 27

Jillian Kreinbring: Course 3: Relaxation

We are super excited to be hosting Jillian for her 3rd course on Relaxation: A Stepping Stone to Building Postural Strength and Health in the spring of 2020. Participants and auditors for this course must have attended Jillian's introductory course on biomechanics. You do not have to have attended course 2 on Rhythm to be a part of this one.

More details on pricing and availability to come over the winter. Registration will open in January of 2020
For details on the course please visit Jillian's website.

Please note that the Relaxation course will run 3 full days (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). Monday will be a private lesson day and open to auditors outside of the course.

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Winter Lecture Series: Starting Work Under Saddle
10:00 AM10:00

Winter Lecture Series: Starting Work Under Saddle

Part 2 of 2 part lecture and demo series for the winter of 2020. This event will consist of both lecture and demo that addresses work in hand and transitioning to early work under saddle for the young horse or restarting the older horse. Topics included are development and when to begin as well as what expectations we can have of our horses based on conformation, breed and mental state. We will look at the importance of developing balance and correct bend as well as teaching the horse to search towards the hand in a forward, down, and out posture to develop a healthy and strong back that is able to support the weight of the rider. Registration for this event will open in December of 2019. Stay tuned.

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Winter Lecture Series: Foundational Training for the Young Horse
10:00 AM10:00

Winter Lecture Series: Foundational Training for the Young Horse

Part 1 of 2 part lecture and demo series for the Winter of 2020. This event will consist of both theory and a demo that will address basic foundational work for the young horse. Restarting the older horse will also be addressed. Topics included are development and when to begin as well as what expectations we can have of our horses based on conformation, breed and mental state. Basic foundational work and exercises and how to start. The demo will consist of basic gymnastic groundwork, lunging, and liberty work. Registration for this event will open in December, 2019. It will be capped at 25 people.

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Summer Lecture and Demo: Exploring Concepts of Energy in Horsemanship
9:00 AM09:00

Summer Lecture and Demo: Exploring Concepts of Energy in Horsemanship

Energy is one of those elusive terms that can have multiple meanings. You may have heard instructors refer to energy flow through the horse, our space or energy bubble, energy in the form of emotions, breath energy or life energy often called qi in Chinese philosophy, or other references to energy. Many master horsemen and women recognize how energy plays a critical role in horsemanship, but it can be a difficult topic to grasp. Whether working in hand, at liberty or under saddle recognizing how our energy influences our horses or feeling when energy flow is blocked within a horse allows you to take your relationship with your horse to a new level. In this lecture and demo Meg will dive into concepts of energy and how it influences our horses. Learning how to master our own energy opens the door for dialogue with our equine partners. Format will include a 1 - 1 1/2 hour lecture on theory followed by a demo with one or two of Meg’s horses or training horses in the arena. Coffee/tea, and breakfast snacks will be provided. Registration for this event is required. Please register online HERE.

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Jillian Kreinbring Course 2: Rhythm – The First Riding Necessity
to Jul 21

Jillian Kreinbring Course 2: Rhythm – The First Riding Necessity

This class is only open to students who participated in Jillian’s prerequisite biomechanics course. First preference may be given to Meg’s boarders or regular students.

This three-day course focuses on helping the horse and rider develop an understanding and feel for rhythm. Preserving natural rhythm is an important first step towards softness of horses in hand and under saddle.

Students will:

  • Learn about neutral pelvis and posture.

  • Discover the differences between men and women riders.

  • Define rhythm, tempo, and length of stride.

  • Feel horses’ movement through a stride sequence.

  • Develop skills to influence rhythm.

  • Gather exercises to build rhythm and trust with your horse.

Course Details:

  • Content discussed in a classroom setting and later applied during group and individual lessons.

  • Seminar booklets containing articles and presentation materials provided.

  • Teaching materials range from articles, discussions, PowerPoint and videos focusing on human and horse biomechanics and movement.

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Private Lesson Days and Clinic with Meg Brauch in Arroyo Grande
to May 19

Private Lesson Days and Clinic with Meg Brauch in Arroyo Grande

This will be Meg's 3rd visit to the beautiful Dream Ranch in Arroyo Grande, California. There will be two private lesson days and then a 2 day clinic open to auditors on the weekend. Please contact Tricia directly for more information at 

Meg is a 2000 Honors Graduate from the University of Connecticut with a BS in Equine Science. She has been riding dressage since the age of 8 and considers herself a forever student in the art of riding and horsemanship. Along with Meg’s extensive work in starting young horses under saddle, she focuses on dressage with all breeds of horses. She works with riders of all ages and skill levels from any discipline background to help each of them reach their personal goals. She found that the contemporary approach to dressage, with its focus on show ring preparation, was not providing her with resources to make the necessary connection with her more challenging equine students. She sought a classical approach to riding along with a method for developing and honing her skills in groundwork, longeing, work-in-hand, and liberty work. She pursued the Straightness Training® program where she became the first licensed instructor in the United States from 2016-2018, but at the end of 2018 chose to continue her journey on her own path. She is passionate about helping horses reach both physical and mental balance in their work so a true partnership can develop and both horse and human can thrive in the learning process. She believes that sound biomechanical practices combined with modern behavioral science create motivation in horses and this combination is key to creating a willing and balanced horse.

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Live, Love, Liberty
8:30 AM08:30

Live, Love, Liberty

This will be a small private workshop open to 5 participants who want to explore liberty work with their horses. The format will include 1.5 hour lecture and discussion with coffee/tea and snacks in the morning and then each participant will have an hour session with their horse. There will be a break for lunch and Meg will also do a liberty demo with one of her horses. Cost is $225 for the day including access to a stall. This is open to students both who have a background in liberty work and those that are just getting started. Come explore how this work can improve your relationship with your horse, make you more in tune with your body language and aids, and take you on a path towards self-mastery.

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Winter Lecture Series: Using Work in Hand to Develop Balance 3/24/19
10:00 AM10:00

Winter Lecture Series: Using Work in Hand to Develop Balance 3/24/19

Please note this is same class that is being offered on 3/17/19. A 2nd section was opened because the first class was filled.

Work in hand is a beautiful way to help gymnasticize our horses from the ground. This work can ultimately be done in all gaits and in either a cavesson, snaffle, or cavesson/curb combination. Meg will explain how to get started with this work, common pitfalls, and how to incorporate work in hand into your training program. The format will include an hour lecture in the heated lounge of the barn followed by a demo with Meg's horses in the indoor arena. This event will be capped at 20 people.

You can only register for this event online with PayPal. We do not accept credit cards at this time. If you would like to pay by check, please email secure your spot. Please click HERE to visit our events registration page to register online.

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Winter Lecture Series: Using Work In Hand to Develop Balance
10:00 AM10:00

Winter Lecture Series: Using Work In Hand to Develop Balance

Work in hand is a beautiful way to help gymnastize our horses from the ground. This work can ultimately be done in all gaits and in either a cavesson, snaffle, or cavesson/curb combination. Meg will explain how to get started with this work, common pitfalls, and how to incorporate work in hand into your training program. The format will include an hour lecture in the heated lounge of the barn followed by a demo with Meg's horses in the indoor arena. This event will be capped at 20 people. Cost is $40.

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Winter Lecture Series: Equine Behavior and the Science of Training 2/24/19
10:00 AM10:00

Winter Lecture Series: Equine Behavior and the Science of Training 2/24/19

Please note this is the same event that was offered on February 17, 2019. A second session has been opened since the first one filled up.

In the past, horse training has been primarily based off of pressure and release training and although this may result in an obedient horse, it does not bring your horse into a higher mental state as it simply creates an animal that is avoiding pressure. Classical conditioning, operant conditioning, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, learned helplessness, scan and capture, desensitization, bridge . . . The list goes on. There are so many terms involved in the science of training and it can get a bit overwhelming. In this 3 hour lecture and demo, Meg will break down some of these terms into easy to understand concepts and the explain how there can be so much more to horse training than simply using the old methods of pressure and release. The format will include a lecture in the heated lounge of the barn with coffee/tea and snacks provided followed by a demo in the indoor arena with Meg’s horses. The demo will consist primarily of groundwork and liberty work. This event will be capped at 20 people. In the event of a cancellation because of snow or extreme weather conditions you will be given the option to attend the reschedule date or receive a full refund.

You can only register for this event online with PayPal. We do not accept credit cards at this time. If you would like to pay by check, please email secure your spot. Please click HERE to visit our events registration page to register online.

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Winter Lecture Series: Equine Behavior and the Science of Training
10:00 AM10:00

Winter Lecture Series: Equine Behavior and the Science of Training

In the past, horse training has been primarily based off of pressure and release training and although this may result in an obedient horse, it does not bring your horse into a higher mental state as it simply creates an animal that is avoiding pressure. Classical conditioning, operant conditioning, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, learned helplessness, scan and capture, desensitization, bridge . . . The list goes on. There are so many terms involved in the science of training and it can get a bit overwhelming. In this 3 hour lecture and demo, Meg will break down some of these terms into easy to understand concepts and the explain how there can be so much more to horse training than simply using the old methods of pressure and release. The format will include a lecture in the heated lounge of the barn with coffee/tea and snacks provided followed by a demo in the indoor arena with Meg’s horses. The demo will consist primarily of groundwork and liberty work. This event will be capped at 20 people. In the event of a cancellation because of snow or extreme weather conditions you will be given the option to attend the reschedule date or receive a full refund.

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Private Lesson Days with Meg Brauch in Vass, North Carolina
to Feb 10

Private Lesson Days with Meg Brauch in Vass, North Carolina

  • 567 Horse Pen Lane Vass, NC, 28394 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The host location is near Southern Pines and about 2 hours east of Charlotte. Please contact Vicky Thomas at or (910) 690-6736

Meg is a 2000 Honors Graduate from the University of Connecticut with a BS in Equine Science. She has been riding dressage since the age of 8 and considers herself a forever student in the art of riding and horsemanship. Along with Meg’s extensive work in starting young horses under saddle, she focuses on dressage with all breeds of horses. She works with riders of all ages and skill levels from any discipline background to help each of them reach their personal goals. She found that the contemporary approach to dressage, with its focus on show ring preparation, was not providing her with resources to make the necessary connection with her more challenging equine students. She sought a classical approach to riding along with a method for developing and honing her skills in groundwork, longeing, work-in-hand, and liberty work. She pursued the Straightness Training® program where she became the first licensed instructor in the United States from 2016-2018, but at the end of 2018 chose to continue her journey on her own path. She is passionate about helping horses reach both physical and mental balance in their work so a true partnership can develop and both horse and human can thrive in the learning process. She believes that sound biomechanical practices combined with modern behavioral science create motivation in horses and this combination is key to creating a willing and balanced horse.

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Winter Lecture Series: Understanding and Training the Lateral Exercises
10:00 AM10:00

Winter Lecture Series: Understanding and Training the Lateral Exercises

This is the first of the 2019 Winter Lecture Series and it will be focused on understanding the lateral exercises including leg-yield, shoulder-in, travers, renvers, half pass, and pirouette. Meg will break down the training of these exercises, the aids, and how to introduce them both on the ground and in riding. She will then help you to train your eye for what to look for to make sure the exercises are being performed correctly and in a gymnastic way that is biomechanically healthy for the horse. You will learn how these exercises can be used to create a supple and balanced equine partner. The format will include a lecture in the heated lounge of the barn (coffee/tea and snacks provided) followed by a demo with Meg’s horses in the indoor arena. This event will be capped at 20 people. If it needs to be postponed because of snow or extreme weather conditions, you will be given the option to attend on the rescheduled date or receive a full refund. PLEASE NOTE, THIS IS THE SAME LECTURE AND DEMO BEING GIVEN ON 1/20/19. A SECOND LECTURE WAS OPENED DUE TO OVERWHELMING INTEREST.

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Winter Lecture Series: Understanding and Training the Lateral Exercises
10:00 AM10:00

Winter Lecture Series: Understanding and Training the Lateral Exercises

This is the first of the 2019 Winter Lecture Series and it will be focused on understanding the lateral exercises including leg-yield, shoulder-in, travers, renvers, half pass, and pirouette. Meg will break down the training of these exercises, the aids, and how to introduce them both on the ground and in riding. She will then help you to train your eye for what to look for to make sure the exercises are being performed correctly and in a gymnastic way that is biomechanically healthy for the horse. You will learn how these exercises can be used to create a supple and balanced equine partner. The format will include a lecture in the heated lounge of the barn (coffee/tea and snacks provided) followed by a demo with Meg’s horses in the indoor arena. This event will be capped at 20 people. If it needs to be postponed because of snow or extreme weather conditions, you will be given the option to attend on the rescheduled date or receive a full refund.

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Understanding Equine Movement to Realize Your Horse's Potential
to Oct 21

Understanding Equine Movement to Realize Your Horse's Potential

Jillian Kreinbring of JK Inspired will be joining us to teach one of her biomechanics classes. We are so excited to host Jillian and bring this knowledge to the community.

To strengthen and enhance equine well-being, it is important to ride and work horses in healthy postures. Throughout this course, students will connect the why and how of balance and collection to understand how a horse’s anatomy, muscular development, and movement patterns affect his performance under saddle.

The 2 ½ day lecture series explains healthy movement in depth and gives the learner the opportunity to develop their eye so they can see healthy and unhealthy postures. Students will:

  • Learn what to look for in healthy movement and muscular development.
  • Discover what creates healthy postures in riding horses.
  • Evaluate a horse’s posture and anatomy from a new perspective.
  • Add tools to develop horses’ postural strength.

Course Details

Five Lectures:

  • Introduction Lecture: Looking at Your Horse ~ A New Perspective
  • Examining Anatomy and Function of the Equine Head and Neck
  • Equine Forequarters, Back, and the Importance of the Abdominal and Psoas Musculature
  • Connection: The Hindquarters and the Significance of the Lumbo-Sacral Joint
  • Coming Full Circle: The Mechanics of Balance & Collection

Developing-Your-Eye’ Labs:

  • Evaluate horses’ anatomies and conformations.
  • Identify key palpation points of the horse.
  • Discuss observations of lab horses and make recommendations on how to support each horse according to its conformation and stage of development.


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Building Confidence and Connection Through Liberty Work
9:30 AM09:30

Building Confidence and Connection Through Liberty Work

Come join Meg for a fall morning in Narnia. This will be an interactive demo and lecture where she will share with you some of her insights in the Liberty pillar of Straightness Training®. Topics included are: how to get started in Liberty work, developing connection with your horse, building their confidence and yours, and how to intertwine liberty into all the the pillars of ST. There will be plenty of opportunities for Q&A. Coffee, tea, and snacks provided. 

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Straightness Training Clinic with Rebecca Gilbert
to Aug 26

Straightness Training Clinic with Rebecca Gilbert

We are super excited to have Rebecca Gilbert joining us for her 3rd clinic here at Narnia Stables this summer. Rebecca is one of the top Straightness Training® instructors in the world and was the first ever licensed ST instructor. Join us for a weekend of learning. Participant slots are only open to Mastery students in the program.

Although Rebecca Gilbert began riding when she was young, she feels her true horsemanship journey began in 2002 when her horse Milly, then 3 years old, came in to her life. She had competed in the dressage ring for a number of years and felt she had a solid understanding of training horses. Milly soon made her realized she still had so much to learn. Milly had a lot of mental and emotional issues, so Rebecca began to search for ways to connect with her. She dived into the study of natural horsemanship for several years and found many answers to her puzzle. In 2011, she came across Marijke de Jong’s Straightness Training on the Internet and was completely blown away by the beauty and grace in which Marijke’s horses moved. She completely exhausted the free ST material and then joined the Home Study Course in 2012. In the fall of 2012 Rebecca brought Milly to her first clinic with Marijke. Shortly after this, Marijke invited Rebecca to become an instructor and help to spread the word of ST. Rebecca was already busy with her family and her career as a human dentist, but was so passionate about helping people and horses through this approach that she pursued the instructor path. She began teaching in 2013 and qualified as a Grade 3 Instructor in 2014. She is a C level instructor and our most advanced instructor in the ST program. Rebecca was an important helper and proofreader in the development of the ST Mastery program and also became an ST evaluator in 2014. Through her journey with ST she has met many amazing people and horses and is hugely grateful to be able to add some value to enrich the lives of people and horses.



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Patrick King Clinic
9:00 AM09:00

Patrick King Clinic

Patrick King of PK Horsemanship will be returning to Narnia for a day of private lessons. Passionate about dressage and classical equestrian ideals, Patrick King seeks the wisdom of the great riding masters- both past and present- and shares this knowledge with his students. Patrick has devoted his life to learning and teaching great horsemanship. With a focus on the classical principles of both dressage and western horsemanship, Patrick’s clinics are popular among riders that are wanting to add refinement and precision to their horsemanship – regardless of their current level of development or their horse’s breed.  With his unique blend of insight, humor, and support, Patrick set’s the tone for his clinics and workshops such that every rider feels at ease and ready to work.

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Hamstrings, Hip Flexors, Stiff Backs oh my!
4:30 PM16:30

Hamstrings, Hip Flexors, Stiff Backs oh my!


Whether your play time is spent on a horse or a bike and anything in between, learn to address these problem areas so you can perform at your very best! 
Join Angie Jacques owner of Take Shape with Angie, LLC at Narnia stables in beautiful Ashford Connecticut for an easy-to-do yoga sequence targeting the very areas that hold you back. Bring a mat, blanket, water and a friend!


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Straightness Training® Mastery Clinic with Zaneta Georgiades
to Jun 24

Straightness Training® Mastery Clinic with Zaneta Georgiades

Join us for this amazing opportunity to study with the exceptional Zaneta Georgiades.

A little bit from Zaneta...


I live in South Africa and I have always been extremely passionate about horses. I competed as a child and into Juniors and Adults in dressage, showing, show jumping and equitation. Then I began exploring liberty work and natural horsemanship and I dreamed of experiencing a kind of training that was healthy and enjoyable for my horses. I discovered Straightness Training® in 2011 and in it I found a method that would support and make my dream a reality. I currently have seven of my own horses who hone my skills, keep me grounded and bring my dream to life and I am thrilled to be able to share this with other like-minded students. My focus during workshops include broadening and deepening knowledge of horses through theory and then creating a deep partnership with your own horse through practical training - where both the human are horse are willing partners giving their best in the training. The goal is building communication, confidence, trust, respect, strength, suppleness and balance through exercises in Groundwork, Longeing and Work in hand to help set the horse up for success in Riding and Liberty work - exploring all five pillars - to create art with your horse.

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Spring Self-Renewal and Liberty Workshop
8:30 AM08:30

Spring Self-Renewal and Liberty Workshop

This will be a unique workshop open to a small group of Straightness Training® Mastery students (maximum 6 people). The morning will be led by Angie Jacques and will include yoga, mediation, reiki and a focus on self-mastery. Energy control and focus are key components of good liberty work so after working on our own relaxation, grounding, and well-being, Meg will lead the afternoon session which will involve working with Meg's horses in guided lessons to explore the nuances of liberty work at a deeper level. Full schedule and registration will be available during the winter.

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ST Groundwork and the Transition to Longeing
1:00 PM13:00

ST Groundwork and the Transition to Longeing

Groundwork is the foundation for Straightness Training® work. In groundwork, the horse learns proper bending, lengthening of the topline, and how to step under with the inside hind leg to support the weight of the body so he/she equipped to carry a rider. As we transition to longeing, we remove the 'sidewheels' of being close to the horse to shape him/her and he/she must learn to maintain the bend and posture on his/her own without the use of any side reins. Exercises in both groundwork and how to transition to longeing will be covered in this lecture/demo. One hour of theory in the heated lounge followed by a 2 hour demo/Q&A where Meg will demonstrate the exercises with several horses at different stages of training. Cost is $50/person. This event will be capped at 20 people and preregistration is required.

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